Crystal Reports Version 7 2017 And Torrent
Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference,2004, (isbn B005DI80VA), by Peck G. Software SAP Crystal Reports 2016, Full version Download download torrent. As the de facto standard in business intelligence reporting, SAP Crystal Reports turns virtually any data source into interactive, actionable information that can be accessed offline and online, from applications, portals and mobile devices.

SAP Crystal Reports software is one of the oldest reporting applications of various data types that has the ability to communicate with a variety of custom databases. Crystal Reports’ history dates back to 1991 when it was first released as Quick Reports. Crystal Services Inc. released the third version of the software, which was renamed Crystal Decisions 4 to 9 after renaming it. Released by Business Objects versions 10 to 2008 or 12 to eventually develop the software with the acquisition of the company by SAP.
Various software programs used this application as an extension, the 2003 to 2008 version of the Microsoft Visual Studio suite being the default one in the suite; since the 2010 version of Visual Studio, the extension was removed and separately (non-commercial and free) ) Available.
Skip to end of metadataGo to start of metadataIn this wiki I'd like to clarify the confusion regarding the different versions of Crystal Reports and what version of Visual Studio .NET they work with.

As with most of my other wikis, I use a simple matrix that describes all the possible scenarios. Please note that the matrix only goes back to Crystal Reports version 9.1. Personally, I would not even try versions earlier than 9.1. Not to mention that earlier versions of Crystal Reports are not supported in any version of .NET... However if you have success, please do post your findings in our forums.
CR Product Name | Assembly Version | Install Configuration | VS .NET Supported Version | Distribution / Runtime |
CR 9.1 for .NET 2002 | 9.1.3300.0 | C:Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions1.0Bin | 2002 | Managed.MSM, RegWiz.msm, Database_Access.msm, Database_Access_ENU.msm |
CR 9.1 for .NET 2003 | 9.1.5000.0 | C:Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions1.0Bin | 2003 | Crystal_Database_Access2003.msm Crystal_Database_Access2003_enu.msm Crystal_Manged2003.MSM Crystal_Regwiz2003.msm |
CR 9.2.x | 9.2.3000.0 | C:Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions2.0Bin | 2002, 2003 | CRNETRuntime.MSM Mapping.MSM ReportEngine.MSM License.MSM |
CR 10.0.0.x | 10.0.3300.0 | C:Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions2.5Bin | 2002, 2003 | Crystal10.NET.WebServiceReporting.msm, Crystal10.NET.EmbeddedReporting.msm, Crystal10.NET.RemoteReporting.msm |
CR 10.2 for .NET 2005 | 10.2.3600.0 | C:Program FilesBusiness ObjectsCommon2.7Bin | 2005 | CRRedist2005_IA64.msi (64 bit Itanium), CRRedist2005_X64.msi (64 bit Intel), CRRedist2005_x86.msi (BootStrapper), CRRedist2005_x86.msm, CRRedist2005_x86.msi |
CR 10.5 for .NET 2008 | 10.5.3700.0 | C:Program FilesBusiness ObjectsCommon2.8bin | 2008 | CRRedist2008_ia64.msi (64 bit Itanium), CRRedist2008_x64.msi (64 bit Intel), CRRedist2008_x86.msi (BootStrapper) |
CR 11.0.0.x | 11.0.3300.0 | C:Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions3.0Bin | 2002, 2003 | Crystal11_Net_EmbeddedReporting.msm, CrystalReports11_NET_EmbeddedInstall.msi |
CR 11.5.0.x | 11.5.3300.0 (11.5.3700.0)* | C:Program FilesBusiness ObjectsCommon3.5bin | 2002,2003,2005 | CrystalReports11_5_NET.msm, CrystalReports11_5_NET_2005.msm, CrystalReports11_5_maps.msm, CrystalReports11_5_NET.msi, CrystalReports11_5_NET_2005.msi, CrystalRedist115_X86.msi |
CR 12.0.0.x | 12.0.1100.0 (12.0.2000.0)* | C:Program FilesBusiness ObjectsBusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0win32_x86 | 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008 | CRRuntime_12_0.msm, CRRuntime_12_0_mlb.exe, CRRuntime_12_0._mlb.msi |
CRVS20xx | 13.0.2000.0 | C:Program Files (x86)SAP BusinessObjectsCrystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0CommonSAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0win32_x86 | 2010 → 2019 | See this Download WIKI fro more info on which Service Pack supports which version of Visual Studio: |
CRVS20xx | 13.0.3500.0 | C:Program Files (x86)SAP BusinessObjectsCrystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0CommonSAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0win32_x86 | 2010 → 2019 | See this Download WIKI fro more info on which Service Pack supports which version of Visual Studio SP 26 |
CRVS20xx | 13.0.4000.0 | C:Program Files (x86)SAP BusinessObjectsCrystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0CommonSAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0win32_x86 | 2010 → 2019 | See this Download WIKI fro more info on which Service Pack supports which version of Visual Studio SP 27 |
* Indicates version of assemblies for framework 2.0 and 3.5
Crystal Reports Version 7 2017 And Torrents
For more information including latest download links for Merge Module files, see the 'Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET Runtime Distribution - Versions 9.1 to 12.0' wiki here:
Crystal Reports Version 7 2017 And Torrent Download
Another useful wiki maybe 'What versions of Crystal Reports are supported on Windows Vista in VS .NET?' available at this link:
For more help, don't forget to search the SAP notes:
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