Microsoft Office 2010 Picture Editor
Microsoft Photo Editor is installed when you perform a custom or complete installation from the Compact disc. It does not ship with the stand-alone versions of Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Access 97, or as part of the Microsoft Office 97 ValuPack. Microsoft has replaced Photo Editor with Microsoft Office Picture Manager, a new photo editing. Microsoft Office Picture Manager is a raster graphics editor. It is a standard program in 2003-2010 Office packages, and one of the components of SharePoint Designer 2010. Its key features include color correction, cropping, resizing, and rotation, as well as tools for organizing and managing images. Picture Manager was included in Office 2010 and earlier and allowed you to easily view, edit, and manage pictures. Microsoft has not updated Picture Manager since Office 2003, so the program is old and out of date, as you’d expect. Word 2010 lets you work with graphics (just remember that Word isn’t a graphics program). You can use some of Word’s touch-up features for dealing with a document’s illustrations. Resizing an image in Word You can change an image’s size on the page: Click to select the image. The image grows handles. Hold down the. Photo & video Photo Editor is a simple application and easy to manipulate image editing. Adjust color, add effects, rotate, crop, resize, frame, mirror, and draw on your photos. Options include adjusting color hue, saturation, contrast, and brightness.
I love the photo editing capabilities baked right into Microsoft Office 2010. It used to take so long to tweak a picture to match its surroundings, usually involving a costly trip into a photo editing package like Adobe Photoshop, but with Microsoft Office 2010 powerful photo editing tools are included within Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Publisher.
Dev c%2b%2b online gdb. The image below shows a quick sample that took me around 40 seconds to create, starting from the original picture in the top left. How long would that have taken me in the olden days?
Frankly, I find it mind-boggling to have this much power built into these applications, and I think you will too.
Microsoft Office 2010 Picture Editor
There are three major tools that you’ll enjoy using: Corrections, Color, and Artistic Effects. The simplest way to demonstrate what they can do is with some screenshots:
And don’t forget to also try out the Options at the bottom of each of these ribbon menus. You can adjust most effects to precisely meet your requirements, with live previews showing how your image will change before you commit to the change. And, by combining Correction, Color and Artistic Effects you can create even more extraordinary images. Don’t worry though, the Reset Picture button is only ever a mouse-click away so if you go a bit over the top with your image effects you can always start afresh.
Soul eater battle resonance psp english patch download. Another ace new feature from the Microsoft Office 2010 team, thanks!
It has a flexible way to manage, edit, and share your pictures.
Microsoft Office 2010 Photo Editor Download
Microsoft Office Picture Manager is a software program included with Microsoft Office suite starting with version 2003.

Using Microsoft Office Picture Manager allows you to have a flexible way to manage, edit, and share your pictures. You can view all your pictures no matter where they are stored; the Locate Pictures feature will even help you find them by doing the searching for you. Picture Manager can also automatically perform corrections to your pictures. If you ever need to adjust something more specific, you can choose from several individual picture editing tools. Sharing pictures is more powerful using Picture Manager, which allows you to send pictures in e-mail messages or Create a Picture Library on your corporate intranet (intranet: A network within an organization that uses Internet technologies (such as the HTTP or FTP protocol). By using hyperlinks, you can explore objects, documents, pages, and other destinations on the intranet.).
- Manage your pictures
- Edit your pictures
- Share your pictures
Note: This software is contained in office 2003 package, you can try to setup office 2003, click customilzed button and choose Picture Manager to install.